Sunday, May 21, 2017

6 Week Meeting and a Llama

So much has happened in the past couple of weeks.  I honestly cannot believe that our Little Dude will have been with us for 4 weeks this Tuesday.  Drop-off, pick-up, bath time, meal time, play time, nap time, and all the other times - it's cliche, but time really does fly.  

We had the 6-week placement meeting with DCF last week. Even though he's only been with us for 4 weeks he has been in the care of DCF for 6, and that is the first time a meeting occurs between all the people involved.  At this meeting there was Justin and I, LD's social worker, the social worker's supervisor, our FRW, and the site supervisor (I think that was her title).  Little Dude's bio-mom was also invited but not present. The meeting was basically a review of how everything has been going.  The site supervisor led the meeting and began by asking LD's social worker about why he was removed from Mom's care.  The conversation was informative and I'm so glad we were there to hear more about our LD's story. The conversation shifted to how our guy has been doing and what types of services he's receiving and what he needs.  The supervisor was great about explaining why and what was happening. We were also asked if we needed any additional resources. We learned about the next steps - a court date at the end of May, then (if LD stays in DCF custody) another DCF review meeting.  I honestly can't remember if that will happen at 3 months or 6 months. I think it's a 3 months, then there is another one at 6 months, and finally a fourth meeting around 9 months to talk about LD's permanency plan.  

The permanency plan is what Little Dude's track is - reunification or pre-adoptive.  Most, if not all, children who are removed from the care of their parents have a goal of reunification.  It's incredibly complicated and I don't have enough knowledge to share without muddy things, so I'll just say this - LD's plan is reunification. In my heart I know the best place for him is with his biological family if they can provide a safe and loving environment. However, my heart also knows that there will be a hole if LD leaves us.  There are lots of prayers in this house for our Little Dude to always be in a place filled with love. 

In addition to that meeting we've also scheduled a couple appointments with different specialists and are waiting to hear back from a few more. We are transitioning to a new daycare that is closer and will give LD more opportunities with kids his own age. We've had a visit with our FRW and his SW, and LD has had a visit with his Mom at the DCF office. 

We've taken our Little Dude to the park, out to eat, to church, to family functions, and to the library to meet a llama.  These have been the best times!  It's so much fun watching him watching everything around him.  He's so nosy! We always have to remind him to actually look at what he's eating because he's too busy smiling at anyone who catches his eye. He loved the park, especially the slide. It was a lot of work for him to walk up and down the hills and climb the stairs to the slide. I think I was more excited about meeting the Llama at the library. LD was interested, but was more excited about being in a new place with other kids.  Such a fun experience for both of us. Today was a day with Justin. I love that he is so comfortable taking care of and hanging out with LD.  He's always on the floor with him, playing, making him laugh, getting him to eat, and just being a great Dad. 

I'll keep the updates coming, but don't mind me if I can't write as often as I'd like to - I'm probably busy hanging out with our Little Dude! We've got a long weekend coming up and we have nothing scheduled.  My mom might be coming up for a visit and meeting LD for the first time!  Another person to spoil him and love him.  What a lucky Little Dude! 

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Fostering Our Family Tree: Hello. DCF Calling!!

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